Friday, March 19, 2010

Playback: Fast Forwarding to the Good Bit

Just like W*llmart has greeters welcoming you, the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Club is working on a robot greeter.

Sid also has some new eyebrows to emote more effectively.

This tennis ball retrieval robot looks commercially viable. Especially if it could automatically reload the ball launcher. One designed for baseball could probably also do well depending on the price.

Which of course brings us to golf.

Maybe we should just leave the golf to the robots.

Here is the video from the NYC FIRST Regional, the championships will be in Atlanta from April 15 - 17, 2010 at the Georgia Dome. Which is during National Robotics Week.

I think only robotic piano movers could actually safely get the piano through that mess.

Here is another great video that is also from the Intelligent and Mobile Robotics Group at the Czech Technical University in Prague. It shows their robot competing in Robotour 2010.

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