Jan 25 2025 : Traces
2 hours ago
We are serious about Bilibot being a platform for developers, and not just a robot toy.
- Garratt Gallagher The Bilibot Project
Anyone who has a song they want us to play, a question about the group, or a suggestion for our next instrument, should contact roborchestra =at= roboticsclub.org
If you want to compose music for the Vibratron, there are only a few things you need to know:
It is set up to play MIDI notes 48-77.
- It listens on channels 3 and 13. The difference being, on channel 3 any notes out if its range are ignored, while on channel 13 any notes out of its range are transposed to the closest octave.
- It only plays NoteOn commands, and the velocity needs to be set greater than zero.
- It cannot play more than around 10 notes at once (because of power limits). the xylophone has no such limitations.
- The Xylobot is the same, but on channels 2 and 12 for MIDI notes 60-76
Any MIDI files we get before May we will record the robot playing and post by mid-May.