Friday, January 4, 2013

TurtleBot 2 ROS Groovy ISO BETA 1

We are now working on fixing all of the remaining issues for a new TurtleBot 2 ROS Groovy release and if you have a TurtleBot 2 we can use your help testing.

THIS ISO INSTALLER (1.2GB) CURRENTLY ONLY SUPPORTS TURTLEBOT 2 however patches and bug reports for TurtleBots using the Create mobile base are appreciated. Please file bug reports via the associated github issue tracker.

The current plan is to release support for TurtleBot 2 next week and then proceed with backporting support for TurtleBots with Create base.

External Debian System integration packages can be found here.
PPA for ROS + Ubuntu Integration
TurtleBot 2 ROS Groovy ISO Beta 1 (1.2GB)

Selected Features

Known Bugs

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